Contact Us
We will be happy to answer your calls and texts during our working hours:
Sat - Thursday | 10am - 6pm
Friday & all public holidays in Kuwait | Closed
To reach us:
From Kuwait:
The fastest way to contact us is by calling our office cell phone at: (+965) 95599882, this number accepts regular calls, WhatsApp Calls, and WhatsApp messages.
For business related calls, you can reach us by calling our landline: (+965) 22099882
The best way to contact us is through whatsApp (if available in your country) at: (+965) 95599882, this number accepts WhatsApp messages and regular calls..
You can reach us by calling our landline: (+965) 22099882
We try our best to reply promptly to instagram Direct Messages: @thhaba
And if you wish to send our team an email, bellow are our email addresses:
Regarding your Orders, Sales, & Client Services: